I apologize, select few readers, for the radio silence. There hasn't been much to say, though. My spring break was last week and as most of you already know, I was stuck in Chambéry alone for the duration of the vacation. I started to lose my mind a little bit, but a new dress and cute pair of shoes came out of the bit of pity shopping that I did for myself.
My stipend money from the school finally came in and I've stocked up on groceries, can eat what I want, and can travel freely again. This upcoming weekend I'm going to Montpellier to visit Cyril and I am super excited about it! The next weekend I'm traveling to London to spend St. Patty's Day with Meg Cotter and that should be epic. I'm even trying to get something in the works for the following weekend. There's a band that I recently discovered that I never knew I loved and they're playing a show in Paris. I've not confirmed that trip on paper yet, but there's a strong possibility that I will be there. March is seriously going to fly by with all this stuff I have planned.
Everyone always asks about classes, so I'll touch on that too. They're hard. At least they are for me because my French is minimal. They're hard, but I like a few of them a lot. Some I like a lot less than that, but that's the case anywhere you go. I'm just hoping that I pass. There's a lot of pressure with the grade solely riding on one final exam. I miss progress reports.
I've recently met a few really awesome French people - as some of you may already know ; ) or you can ask me about it if you don't and are interested.
I'm sure the post after I do all these awesome things in March will be better than this one.
And thought of the week - Raspberry macarons are reason enough to want to live in France forever.
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