Alright, big couple of weeks down and another one to go! March has absolutely flown by and I don't know that I've actually had a free weekend in a while. School and my social life have been in full motion. Since my last post I've been to Montpellier with Cyril which was AWESOME. The ONLY complaint that I have is that I hardly spent any time in that city dry. It rained the entire time, heavily and that is why in almost all of my pictures I look like I just stepped out of the shower with my clothes on. That aside though, it was really an amazing city and I had the best tour guide who took me to a pretty wonderful fondue restaurant where my age was put into question as seen in the photo-
This past weekend I went to London to see Meg. This is ridiculous, but one of the most exciting parts about the actual traveling itself was the fact that I finally got my passport stamped by someone. I've wanted my passport stamped for so long! I say the actual traveling because most of my journey was dealing with the public transportation system. From France I had to take a train to Lyon, a shuttle to the airport, a plane to London, a train to Meg, and then the underground to her place. I'm starting to miss the simplicity of having a car. I got there pretty late at night so I just crashed as soon as we got back to her place and then started the adventures the next morning with one of the highlights: WIMBLEDON TOUR!
One thing I definitely noticed about this past weekend is how weird it is to hear everyone speaking English again. I actually experienced a little culture shock because I'm just so used to hearing people speak French. I would order something in English and feel wrong because I felt like they couldn't understand the language I was speaking. Coming back to America is probably going to be a lot like that, so go ahead and expect me to be confused and start my sentences with "Je voudrais".
And I mentioned that getting there took a lot of transportation, but I should comment just a bit on getting back. I took a bus to the airport, a plane back to Lyon, and that's where I got stuck. There were no more trains or buses going back to Chambéry that night and I ended up sleeping in the airport again. It was the same airport that Michael Gunther and I slept in before going to Rome and I even had my old sleeping spot on the bench. No matter how long you lay on those benches, they never EVER get warm and I now know by heart the 2 messages that play over the intercom in five minute both languages. It took me 14 hours to get back home, but it was worth it.
Up next weekend I have a nice weekend in Paris. I'm going to a Boxer Rebellion concert on Friday which I'm really excited about and spending the whole time with fellow MC-er Shaina Arp. It should be really great, but I think after that I'm going to cool it on the traveling a bit. My wallet and my energy will greatly benefit from it.
Oh, and I just did my first presentation in French in France. It was a nightmare, I did horribly, but I passed. I hate presentations!
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